How to Create F.U.N. Marketing for Your Business
Sean McCool
The Profit Funnels Guy™
IF your business is not where you want it to be, it’s more than likely because you don’t have a solid marketing plan. I’m talking about a plan that sets you apart from the 3-5 other competitors in your town.
What is F.U.N. Marketing? It’s marketing that is not only fun to put together, but it also follows three basic principles, which make up the acronym F.U.N.
What makes marketing F.U.N.?
F=Fundamentals. Your marketing must be based on proven, ROI (return on investment)generating fundamentals. Every piece of marketing should follow a few basic fundamentals.
For instance, you should have a call to action in every piece of advertising and marketing you create. A call to action asks your client or prospect to take the next step in the sales process.
Another key fundamental is to make sure you are marketing to the right people. Despite what we as business owners like to believe, everyone is not a potential customer. Only market to those most likely to buy from you. You can’t create the desire for your product. You can only channel the desire that already exists for a product like yours.
Next, your marketing should be…
U=Unique. If your marketing looks like everyone else’s marketing, the best you’ll get is results everyone else is getting.
What you need is a USP. A USP is a unique selling proposition.
For instance…
- Maybe you have the only non-smoking crew in the state.
- Maybe you have a special template technique that allows you to turn around counters in half the time of your closest competitor.
- Maybe you have the best guarantee in the business.
- Maybe you have the exclusive rights to a product in your area.
What ever sets you apart, you need to let people know.
Finally, your marketing should be…
N=Newsworthy and/or Notable. In today’s noisy world, you have to stand out. If your message never gets heard or seen, it simply can’t work. Is your service or product good enough to generate its own news? I don’t mean your local news broadcast – although that’s good too.
What I mean is, did your installers do such a good job that your company made the newsfeed on your client’s Facebook page? Their Twitter feed? Instagram? The next social event down at the club? Was your finished product newsworthy enough to get people talking? Does your marketing get people talking?
If not, there’s a book you should pick up that goes into detail about this kind of marketing plan. It’s called The Ultimate Marketing Plan written by Dan Kennedy. It runs about $10 on Amazon. It’s got complete fill in the blank forms for you to fill out to create your best marketing ever. Another book to consider is The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes.
And once you sit down and start the process of creating a marketing plan, you’ll probably discover it’s not only profitable… and eye-opening, you’ll also find it to be quite F.U.N.
Sean McCool is an award-winning copywriter and is known as The Profit Funnels Guy™ because Sean shows businesses how to set up multiple Profit Funnels™ throughout their business. Sean can be reached through his website,